Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Watch The Pilot Episode of V Online Now!

Extra Terrestrials have landed on Earth. They say they "come in peace", but what is their real agenda?

For More Viral Videos Goto SLIDETV.com

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Screenpeaks, Ltd. Launches New Twitter to TV Service

Screenpeaks, LTD. announced it has launched the "Industry’s First Twitter to TV Application"

Interestingly, the company's flagship product is a technology called "SlideTV" (No Relation to SLIDETV.com, Inc. which is an Internet Marketing Company) .

Excerpt from Press Release:
"Screenpeaks is the leading provider of SlideTV™ platforms operating dozens of channels worldwide. Screenpeaks SlideTV™ is an end-to-end ultra-thin-band digital slide TV channel - broadcasting slides and voice programs over digital satellite or cable TV."

The new Twitter feature is being marketed as a way to help promote freedom of speech around the world.

According to the company, “Screenpeaks is proud to be the first to introduce such a powerful tool for freedom of speech and therefore allow our customers to get higher interaction of the viewers. During the Iranian election crisis, we identified Twitter messages as an excellent tool for Visual Radio stations to broadcast on TV. It showed the immense importance of free flow of information,” says Ofer Ronen, Screenpeaks marketing manager. “We keep looking for new and innovative means to provide and to make it easier for our customers to reach the people and assure their long-term loyalty.”

To Be Continued...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Darth Vader Goes Viral

The emergence of Viral Marketing as an advertising tool is nothing new. What is new, however, is the fact that many CEO's and corporate marketing executives are finally catching on. Is it too late to capitalize on this phenomena? Not according to the Dark Lord Darth Vader who said, "Viral Marketing is an absolutely powerful advertising instrument".

We agree. Curious about what the Dark Lord said? Click on the link below & watch the video yourself. We would love to hear your thoughts about this.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Art of Viral Marketing Power Point Presentation

The Art of Viral Marketing will soon be available on SlideShare.com @ http://www.SlideShare.com/SLIDETV

This presentation will also be available on SlideSix.com which is another free presentation sharing community @ http://www.SlideSix.com/user/SLIDETV

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why Your Viral Strategy In Mobile Is Destined To Fail

Companies looking to capitalize on viral marketing should be aware of the pitfalls of this strategy. A recent article by MocoNews.net explores this concept in detail. We recommend anyone who is thinking about launching such a campaign to make sure you have realistic expectations before you empty the coffers.

Why Your Viral Strategy In Mobile Is Destined To Fail
By Dan Shapiro

Satire: An Ode To My Blog - By Dave (The SLIDETV Webmaster)

Our webmaster recently watched the movie "Full Metal Jacket" and was inspired to write a quick satirical quip about his blog. And without further ado, we now present An Ode To My Blog by Dave.

An Ode To My Blog - By Dave

This is my BLOG.
There are many like it, but this one is MINE.
My Blog is my best friend. It is my life.
I must master it as I must master my life.
My Blog without me is useless. Without my Blog, I am useless.

Before God I swear this creed.
My Blog and myself are the defenders of my country.
We are the masters of our enemy.
We are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until there is no enemy, but PEACE.

(A Parody of The Full Metal Jacket Scene "This is My Rifle"

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Topsy Search Gauges Relevance by # of Retweets

Twitter News: Topsy Search Gauges Relevance by Retweets

Topsy, a search engine that incorporates real-time data based on tweets, went live this week. The company was founded in 2006 and has raised about $15 million to date.